Table of Contents
How long did it take Satan to fall from Heaven to Hell?
It took nine days for Satan to fall from Heaven to Hell.
What demon is floating alongside Satan in the fiery lake at the beginning of the poem?
Beelzebub demon is floating alongside Satan in the fiery lake at the beginning of the poem.
What is the role of Beelzebub in “Paradise Lost”?
Beelzebub is fully faithful to Satan and he encourage the Satan for revenge.
Why did Satan tempt Eve?
Satan tempt Eve because it is easy for him due to the frivolous nature of woman.
Who is the ‘heavenly muse’ in “Paradise Lost”?
Urania is the muse of history and the subject of “Paradise Lost” is also from historical so, ‘heavenly muse‘ in “Paradise Lost” is Urania and Calliope for Epic poetry.
What is the name of Satan’s second in command?
Beelzebub is Satan’s second in command.
How many days did it take for Satan to finally speak to Beelzebub?
After three days tossing on the lake, Satan finally speaks to Beelzebub.
What is the aim of ‘Paradise Lost’?
The aim of “Paradise Lost” is “to justify the ways of God to men”.
How well does Milton ‘justify the ways of God to men’?
Milton try the Biblical story of Adam and Eve to justify the ways of God to men.