Short Answers of Waiting for Godot

Introduction: Short answers of Waiting for Godot the Modern Drama includes mostly asked questions in university’s examinations.

What is an absurd play?

An ‘absurd play’ is a play in which the meaninglessness and purposelessness is presented. There is very less action but dialogues are presented.


What are the nicknames of Estragon and Vladimir?

The nick name of Estragon is “Gogo” and the nick name of Vladimir is “Didi” in the play ‘Waiting for Godot’.

What is meant by Existentialist Philosophy?

Existentialist philosophy or Existentialism is the theory in which each and every individual have his choice, what to do either suicide or exist instead of following the rules of some religion etc.

Why is “Waiting for Godot” in two acts?

Play ‘Waiting for Godot’ is divided into two acts to show the passage of time. Both the acts presented almost in similar manner only few things changed, leaves on tree, Pozzo blind and Lucky dumb etc.

How does Lucky entertain Estragon and Vladimir?

Lucky entertained the Estragon and Vladimir through “dance in a net” and his long and incoherent speech.

What are the major themes of ‘Waiting for Godot’?

The major themes of “Waiting for Godot” are waiting and suffering. Other themes are misery, suicide, exploitation etc.

Why are Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot?

Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for Godot that Godot will come and solves their problems.

What is the significance of Godot in the play ‘Waiting for Godot’?

In this play Godot refers to Christ or a character who have a white beard and beaten the brother of the messenger boy, Godot may be refers to the God symbolically.

Explain the theme of two’s in the play “Waiting for Godot”?

The theme of two’s presented very well in this play, two friends Estragon and Vladimir waiting for Godot, two pairs of shoes of Estragon one in act one and other in act two, Pozzo and Lucky are two, two messenger boys and play is in two acts.

When and where does the play ‘Waiting for Godot’ take place?

“Waiting for Godot” takes place in the evening time on a country road under the willow tree.

What is the basic difference between Act I and Act II of ‘Waiting for Godot’?

The basic difference between the Act I and Act II of ‘Waiting for Godot’ is the passage of time, Act I in first day and Act II happen in second day. Other differences are tree is without leaves in Act I and in Act II tree have few leaves, in Act I Pozzo master and Lucky slave they are same in Act II but Pozzo blind and Lucky dumb etc.

How is ‘Waiting for Godot’ a tragicomedy?

The theme of suffering presents it as tragedy but the elements of comedy like playing with hats, Lucky’s dance in a net and incoherent speech present it as comedy. Therefore, the play has both the elements of comedy and tragedy, so, “Waiting for Godot” is a tragicomedy.

What is ‘waiting’ symbolizes in the play “Waiting for Godot”?

In the play “Waiting for Godot” the ‘waiting’ symbolizes the meaninglessness, suffering and hopelessness.


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