Short Answers of Classical Poetry 1st term

We have collected the old examination questions of
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Sonnet by Shakespeare
Love and Divine Poems by John Donne
Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope
and answered these questions as under.
We have posted these questions time to time on Nazar Bazmi’s Notes (, here we have collected all links together as under

Paradise Lost by John Milton

Short questions and answers of ‘Paradise Lost’1

Short questions and answers of ‘Paradise Lost’

Prologue to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Study Questions and Short Answers

Sonnets by Shakespeare

Short Questions and Answers of ‘Sonnets’ by Shakespeare

Love and Divine Poems by John Donne

Short Questions and Answers of ‘Love and Divine Poems’ by John Donne

Rape of The Lock by Alexander Pope

Short Questions and Answers of ‘Rape of the Lock’ by Alexander Pope


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